Monday, February 8, 2010

Homemade Valentine's Robots

For Family Home Evening tonight we had a little chat about how Jesus wants us to love everyone. We then made valentine's so we can show some people that we love them.

I found the cute robot valentine idea in Family Fun Magazine, it is the only magazine (besides the church ones) that I've ever subscribed to and I love them. So many cutesy ideas and only $5 for a year.

You just get some construction paper and fold it into a 3-D triangle. Cut a little hole at the bottom so he has legs. We used heart shaped candies for feet but you could use any fun size candy. They would be even cuter if you use a round candy for the eyes, rolos or life savers, we didn't have any so we just colored the eyes. You can use bar codes for noses or mouths. The arms are just pieces of tinfoil we cut out and taped on.

My five year old little boy just loved helping me make these for his friends!
All of our supplies.